Sunday, January 7, 2007

Epiphany Moments

Epiphany - to make manifest - to reveal or make known. Epiphany is the current church year season. This "blurb" is the result of an "epiphany moment". My son-in-law made known to me how to access this blog page he had set up for me when they were here for Christmas. Until he sent his instructions via e-mail, I was still in the dark and not in the light. I could see "Peterson's Patter" but couldn't do anything about it.

What "Epiphany" moments would you desire for '07. Would it be your Dr. giving you a new medication which would alleviate some pain or discomfort or diminish some kind of health risk you face? Would it be the discovery of a job opportunity which fits your skills and interests and allows you to get out of the "dead end" position you now occupy. Is it your child discovering
and using the "big people's potty" and no longer needing diapers? Is it a moment of finally accepting God's grace and mercy about a "secret sin" that has hovered over your head and poisoned your heart for who knows how many years?

Some might contend every day and every moment are "epiphanies". They might well be. The key is whether we recognize and accept them for being such moments, especially when it comes to our relationship with Christ. I look forward to the coming year as a time for being more alert and having higher expectations regarding epiphany moments. What about you?
Are you looking for them also?

1 comment:

Jonathan Rundman said...

Hey Dad - don't forget to email your pals, parishioners, former students, and family members with your blogsite!

Looking forward to reading about your Epiphany moments...
