Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Another Epiphany Moment

The guys at Rosie's Diner (we meet at 10 a.m. for coffee most days) were in an uproar today arguing about the age-old question, "How much is enough?" You've seen the headlines about the bonuses paid by Wall Street firms - the severance package given to ousted CEO of Home Depot. How much is enough? Tonight, the President of our country will tell us how much is enough in terms of troop strength and funding if we are to be "victorious" (his word, not mine) in Iraq. Will Tiger Woods be enticed to play the last few tourneys of the PGA Tour if the prize money is jacked up to $10 mil? How much is enough?

Now for my Epiphany moment. I now know....I have enough! I don't need any more. I'm safe in the arms of Jesus and the ELCA pension fund. We obviously have more than enough stuff. Why else would there be boxes stacked from floor to ceiling on three walls of my garage? I gave the seminary over half my books when I retired, but I still have texts in my bookcases I have not read, or if I did, it was a long time ago. I HAVE ENOUGH. I don't have to get embroiled in any more arguments. We have three wonderful kids - each with a wondeful spouse - and six incredible grandchildren. WE HAVE ENOUGH! Now I await another "Epiphany" moment...where do I go from here? What do people who have enough do in their remaining days. I'm sure there are a host of people willing to give me answers to that question. I'll let you know when I arrive at my answer to that question.

1 comment:

Jonathan Rundman said...

Hi Dad. Did you read that article in a recent Lutheran by a woman who did not buy anything for a whole year? She bought the basics for living and paid her bills, but she bought nothing extra. Her name is Janet Corpus and she's done some writing for AF, so I was familiar with her name.

I think I'm going to try to buy nothing in February! We'll see how it goes.
